Saturday, 19 December 2009

some reflections on kobenhavn

In the leadup to the 'Climate Change Summit' I envisaged it as a necessary phase of social evolution.
As it draws to a close, my viewpoint remains unchanged (unchallenged).

You could term it a massive waste of resources. You'd be right.
You could label it a bit of a self-indulgent wankfest. You'd be right.
I share your cynicism.
And yet I'll maintain it was necessary – just as Kyoto was.
Some people just won't be told: they need to learn at their own pace – on their own terms!

"So, now that the rest of the class has caught up a little, we can all move to the next chapter."

The nature of politics being what it is, certain people (which we choose to term 'leaders') find it impossible to simply and quietly deliver positive change – despite the fact that this is what we pay them to do!
They need, like Lear, to vainly strut and fret onstage.
They need recognition. Plaudits, of course – but even brickbats will do, if it keeps them in the public gaze. It's their drug of choice.

Kobenhavn reminds me a bit of tending to the needs of spoilt brats, who soak up resources while the other kids just want to get on with it.
Like it or not, however, these 'leaders' – functional and dysfunctional alike – bear the responsibility of re-writing the rules in order to restore our ailing planet.

The Summit, seen in the best possible light, provides us with a new reference point – and could actually prove to be a watershed.
So, although I think he's been a little soft on our Government, I largely agree with Tim Flannery:
"It's only one step on the road but we are now really in the throes of tackling this very difficult problem and this meeting has been a very significant step forward. I wouldn't like anyone to undersell what's been achieved. I think it is very significant."

Many of us remain unsatisfied – but now that 'the world' has at least started targetting a genuine emissions benchmark (and a 'tolerable' level of global warming), people of goodwill and commonsense (the vast majority) can use this standard as leverage: to reduce our footprint further still and to pressure our notional 'leaders' to become a little more forthright, proactive and accountable.

MEANWHILE, we must not allow ourselves to be distracted by the carnival lights and show-biz gimmickry … by what some psychologists would term displacement activities.
There's work to do.
Let's get on with it!

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